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Ventilation, Fresh Air & Air Movement

What Does It Mean?

Ventilation is the intentional introduction of outdoor air to control indoor air quality by diluting and displacing indoor pollutants.

Recent events have taught us that clean fresh air combined with air movement are of paramount importance in the workplace and at home.

Effective ventilation contributes towards a safer and cleaner home and working environment by helping prevent the spread of common viruses and airborne pollutants, especially when air indoors can be x5 more polluted than outside air.

Spheretech Air Conditioning provide a range of ventilation solutions across Northampton, Bucks, Milton Keynes & Midlands, all designed to supply fresh air and extract stale air form your workplace or home and improve the air quality of your indoor environment.

Adequate Ventilation In Your Workplace

Developments to building standards, regulations and an increasing focus on energy efficiency over the last few years has meant that buildings are becoming increasingly airtight and with a greater need for mechanical ventilation.

The Health and Safety Executive guidance states that insufficient ventilation is one of the main causes of loss of productivity, which is why workplaces should be adequately ventilated, with fresh air drawn from an outside source.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, the Government published their ventilation recommendations for the workplace to help mitigate the spread of viruses and bacteria.

These include ensuring adequate ventilation is optimised to provide sufficient fresh air supply with stale air extraction to all areas of the workspace when occupied.

Which all means that fresh air ventilation forms an important part of our everyday working lives.

Which leads to the question, does your workplace have adequate ventilation?


The simplest ventilation solution of opening doors and windows can be impractical for business when temperature control and security are important considerations.

Which is why mechanical and heat recovery ventilation solutions can help provide the necessary fresh air and air movement, without letting heat escape, to provide a safer and more comfortable balanced working environment in the workplace.

Spheretech Air Conditioning offer a free, no obligation site survey for your business ventilation requirements for your workplace. Click here for further information

Your Ventilation Experts

Spheretech Air Conditioning understand that each business sector has different ventilation challenges, which is why each project requires a bespoke solution, designed to improve air quality, introduce fresh air and remove any unwanted heat, steam or fumes.

We can help specify the appropriate ventilation system to not only to conform to building regulations for new and modernised buildings but, also to meet health, safety and welfare in the workplace for all types of buildings including:

  • Offices benefit from a good fresh air supply. Solutions range from simple inline fans to more complex heat recovery systems.
  • Hospitals and medical centres have specific ventilation requirements including infection control whilst maintaining high air quality levels.
  • During manufacturing, excessive heat often requires extraction to help improve working conditions.
  • Keeping people alert and interested is perhaps no more desirable than in the classroom, where ventilation levels follow the temperature and CO2 concentrations ensuring the fresh air demands are always met.
  • Even public houses, clubs, restaurants and shops still require ventilation to control odours.

Spheretech Air Conditioning design and install commercial heat recovery ventilation, extraction and air cooling systems for a variety applications, including offices, schools and manufacturing.

So, if your business could benefit from a free, no obligation site survey for your business ventilation requirements, please email [email protected] or call 01327 810 510.

For more information or to book a survey of your air conditioning requirements please call us today on:

01327 810 510

Our clients span all areas of industry including:

  • Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Medical
  • Education
  • IT & Telecoms
  • Office & Leisure
  • Domestic & Home Offices

Arrange a free no obligation survey

Please provide brief details below and we will contact you to discuss your project.

    If you would rather speak to someone to arrange a free no obligation survey, or enquire about our maintenance packages, then please give us a call on the number below.

    01327 810 510

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