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Convert Your Air Conditioning Into A Powerful Air Sanitiser


Covid-19 has emphasised the importance of clean and safe indoor air quality where we work, live and play.

For employers already using or planning a safe return to the workspace this Spring or Summer, it is necessary to make plans to deliver sufficient clean fresh air, combined with air movement at work, for many businesses, simply opening doors and windows is impractical, inadequate, or not a long-term solution to the air quality problem.

In the last 12 months, many new and existing scientific technologies have been adapted to help us clean and disinfect the air circulating within shared spaces.  Whilst no technology can claim to be 100% successful in eradicating Covid-19, many are highly effective in removing airborne viruses and bacteria.

However, these air purification solutions often involve new (and expensive) standalone kit installed in addition to supplement existing heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment.

Low Cost Retrofit Solution

One effective technology used as an air cleaning tool to kill airborne viruses and clean the air is UV light.

Working closely with the leading UV disinfection specialists BlueScience and their UV-c technology, Spheretech are now able to provide an energy efficient powerful UV light air cleaning system designed to be retrofitted into existing mini split and wall mounted air conditioning systems.

Which means Spheretech can convert your air conditioning units into an effective air sanitisation system whilst it continues to provide clean, cooled (or heated) air.

This solution is particularly effective for air conditioning systems, as the technology ensures the air is continuously cleaned and disinfected inside the building.

So safer indoor air quality, by reducing airborne viral threats, allowing everyone to work safer and breathe easier and without the need to install expensive new hardware.

Frequently Asked Questions

When the air conditioning is operational, UV LED lights inside the retrofit technology quickly disinfect the air drawn into the equipment, keeping coil surfaces, drain-pans, fans and filters free of airborne viruses and bacteria, by treating them to a powerful UV-c light. The clean, disinfected air is then dispensed back into the room.

The system is ideal for wall mounted split air conditioning systems where only limited space is required to fit the UV-c lamp to existing equipment. Other UV air cleaning solutions can be supplied for ducted air conditioning systems.  If you are an existing customer, speak to Spheretech to determine your exact requirements and associated costs.

Using this technology continuously, increases exposure time to the UV-c lamps and therefore will increase effectiveness over a longer period of time.

When cooling is not required, we suggest the air conditioning is set to fan only mode to maintain a constant recirculation of the air. This will provide an on-going exposure of UV-c to the air being recirculated.

The UV-c LED’S in the equipment are classed as germicidal which actually breaks down Ozone.

This depends upon the system originally installed, the size and number of units. However, as a retrofit solution, the cost will be significantly cheaper than installing a new air conditioning system or, the cost of additional UV disinfection equipment for your workspace. Speak to Spheretech and we can provide a quote and for new customers, a free, no obligation survey to determine your requirements.

Arrange Your Quotation

Do not hesitate to contact Spheretech about any air conditioning, ventilation and air purification requirements for your workspace (or home).

To arrange a free no-obligation survey and quotation, please give us a call on 01327 810 510 or email [email protected]

Arrange a free no obligation survey

Please provide brief details below and we will contact you to discuss your project.

    If you would rather speak to someone to arrange a free no obligation survey, or enquire about our maintenance packages, then please give us a call on the number below.

    01327 810 510

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