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Air Quality Within Indoor Spaces



Planning ahead & the importance of good ventilation

Whenever we do start to see any semblance of a return to ‘normal daily life’, what is certain is that we are all sure to pay close attention to the levels of ventilation and fresh air supply in all indoor spaces we share with others.

Prior to Covid-19, it has long been a legal requirement for employers to ensure there is an adequate supply of fresh air.

Fast forward to 2021 and the importance of good ventilation within the indoor spaces we share is even more pronounced for both employees and the public who use them. Spaces such as offices, shops & shopping centres, restaurants, bars, cinemas, theatres, leisure centres, gyms, sports halls, community centres, places of worship, schools, public amenities, health centres and many more.

A stuffy or smelly room that has remained dormant for some time, with no open windows or doors or noticeable form of ventilation such as air conditioning, should enable us to identify a poorly ventilated area, where the transmission of virus and bacteria could be heightened.

Managing the ventilation in your premises

Throughout the pandemic, the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) have advocated good ventilation, along with social distancing, keeping the workplace clean and frequent handwashing, as key preventative measures to help reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19.

The simplest solution for some will be to open doors and windows to provide a natural supply of fresh air and ventilation.

For others however opening doors and windows are not a practical solution or even an option at all. Instead, they will require a mechanical form of ventilation via HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) systems to provide the necessary fresh air combined with air movement.

In the last few months, Spheretech have seen an increase in enquiries for mechanical ventilation projects as to help Clients prepare for their customers return to use their premises safely and with confidence their buildings are properly ventilated.

One such Client, Maxwell Park Community Centre required a ventilation solution for a large multi-purpose events room with no windows or doors to open. By installing a heat recovery ventilation solution, supplying sufficient tempered and filtered fresh air, heated with the recovered warmth from the extracted air, the centre can plan provide a safe, comfortable and appealing environment for their community as soon as their doors are able to reopen.

Another Spheretech Client future-proofing their premises in readiness for when they open is a large gymnasium, requiring additional ventilation to augment their existing systems. Their expectation is that their customers will view the upgraded ventilation, cooling and air quality in their gym as an important feature going forward.

The UK HSE have specifically advised that where aerobic activities are undertaken, adequate ventilation is increasingly important as these generate higher levels of aerosol – which can increase the risk of transmitting viruses and bacteria.

Speak to Spheretech

So, whatever your air quality requirements, Spheretech can help.

Do not hesitate to contact Spheretech about any ventilation, air conditioning or air purification requirements for your workspace.

To arrange a free no-obligation survey to determine your requirements, please give us a call on 0203 953 8254.

Arrange a free no obligation survey

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    If you would rather speak to someone to arrange a free no obligation survey, or enquire about our maintenance packages, then please give us a call on the number below.

    01327 810 510

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